Season 24/25 is Approaching Quickly! Says Tommy Manneh!

At tea break during the latest BHTFC Volunteers get together leader Tommy Manneh said to the group ‘that new season is approaching fast, and we still have a lot to do!’  However, he added ‘there is no panic as we have a very experienced, hard-working team and everything will get done!’ There is also the hint of a ‘Fans Day’ later in the summer where parameter fence painting and goal painting will be on the list!’

Last Friday half a dozen volunteers did some work on the exterior of Back of the Net. Jim concentrated on the florescent lighting system which hopefully give out greater illumination on Mid-Week games.  John Goss and Tommy were hard at work mowing the outer lawns.  Whilst looking great for the time being these will need to be cut several times before a ball is kicked out on the pitch.  We have a photo of John sitting on our powerful mower at the Ashley Carr end of the ground.

Talking of the pitch regular readers will recall that our Groundsman, Richard Mamoany took us through the mechanics of the 2024 summer pitch renovation.  It involvedspreading 40 ton of soil and 14 bags of grass seed. Three weeks into the process we stepped on to the grass this morning and it can be reported that things are on track. There is a lush green appearance and rich texture to the surface. It will be given a light cut and appropriate amount of watering but in the main the grass will be open to the mid-summer elements.  Its early days but the signs are extremely encouraging for a beautiful pitch come that 1st home preseason friendly.

With a property the size of the Homecall Community Stadium there are always a lot of jobs that need attending to. At this time of the year flora grows very quickly so lawns, beds and parameters can get overgrown in no time. Tommy and the gang will be working very had over the coming summer months! It’s a certainty the ground will look stunning as season 2024/25 kicks off!

Colin Bowman  7/06/2024